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The nearest match "vidyAaurasIkhaseprAptajnAna-koIvidyAsIkhaneyAsikhAnekAkriyA-gurukenikaTavidyAkAabhyA" in the Index is being displayed.
education n
knowledge acquired by learning and instruction - process of acquiring knowledge - activities that impart knowledge or skil.
cultivation, culture, direction, ed, edification, educating, education, enlightenment, finish, guidance, illumination, inculcation, instruction, knowledge, learning, lecture, nurture, preparation, reading and writing, scholarship, study, teaching, upbringing, wisdom.
Similar Concepts
competence, crash course, educating, education(s), educational course, knowledge, learnedness, literacy, pedagogy, qualification, reading, refinement, refresher course, Sarasvati, science, studying, teaching, training.
Opposite Concepts
ignorance, illiteracy, lack of education.
Sample Phrases
"It was clear that he had a very broad education.".
शिक्षा सं
शिक्षाएँ, शिक्षाओँ, शिक्षाओं.
विद्या और सीख से प्राप्त ज्ञान - कोई विद्या सीखने या सिखाने का क्रिया - गुरु के निकट विद्या का अभ्यास - पढ़ने पढ़ाने की क्रिया.
अनुशासन, इल्म, उपदेश, ऐजुकेशन, ज्ञान, तरबियत, तालीम, दीक्षा, देशना, पठन, पढ़ाई, पढ़ाई लिखाई, परिष्कार, पाठ, बोध, लर्निंग, विद्या, विद्या ग्रहण, शिक्षा, शिक्षादीक्षा, संस्कार, सबक़, सम्मार्जन, सीख.
Similar Concepts
अध्ययन, अध्यापन, अध्यापिकी, क्रैश कोर्स, क्वालिफ़िकेशन, ज्ञान, पठन, परिष्कार, पाठ्यक्रम, प्रशिक्षण, योग्यता, रीफ़्रैशर कोर्स, विज्ञान, शिक्षण, शिक्षा(), सरस्वती, साक्षरता.
Opposite Concepts
अज्ञान, अशिक्षा, निरक्षरता.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.