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The nearest match "sachchAyAyathArthayAtathyayAasalIhonekAbhAva-vAstavikatAseanurUpatA-asatyaseviparItakoIvastuyA" in the Index is being displayed.
truth n
the quality of being true, genuine, actual and factual - conformity to reality or actuality - something that is true as opposed to false - a verified fact.
actuality, authenticity, candour, essence, exactitude, exactness, fact, reality, troth, trueness, truth, veracity, verity.
Similar Concepts
fact, frank remark, it is true expression(s), outspokenness, poetic cliche, statement of truth, truthful person, ultimate truth, utterance.
Opposite Concepts
half-truth, imagination, untruth.
Sample Phrases
"At last he knew the truth.", "The situation brought home to us the blunt truth of his precarius health.", "The truth is that he didn't want to study maths.", "You did not tell me the truth.".
सत्य सं
सत्योँ, सत्यों.
सच्चा या यथार्थ या तथ्य या असली होने का भाव - वास्तविकता से अनुरूपता - असत्य से विपरीत कोई वस्तु या उक्ति.
अकल्य, अक्षिभू, अपानृत, अमनृत, एक, ट्रुथ, ठीक बात, तहक़ीक़, परमक्खर, परमार्थ, परवान, पूत, भूत, यथार्थ, रहस, वास्तविकता, सच, सचाई, सच्चाई, सच्चापन, सत्, सत्त, सत्य, सत्यता, साँच, साँचि, साच, हक़.
Similar Concepts
उक्ति, कविसत्य, तथ्य, परम सत्य, वचन, सत्यवादी, सत्य है(), स्पष्टवादिता, स्पष्टोक्ति.
Opposite Concepts
अर्धसत्य, असत्य, कल्पना.
Sample Phrases
"सत्य को कोई छिपा नहीँ सकता.", "हम सत्य पर दृढ़ रहेँगे.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.