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poverty n
the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions.
affliction, crunch, dearth, deficiency, deficit, deprivation, disadvantage, hand-to-mouth existence, hardship, hard spot, inadequacy, indigence, indigency, insignificance, insufficiency, lack, liability, limitation, meagreness, necessity, need, obligation, paucity, pinch, poorness, poverty, reduced circumstances, scantiness, scantness, scarcity, shortcoming, stint, straits, subsistence, tough going, unprosperous condition, want, weakness.
Similar Concepts
low income, poverty line, bankruptcy, beggary, deficit, insignificant sum of money, insufficiency, malnourishment, miserliness, misfortune, poor person, the poor, thrift, unimportance.
Opposite Concepts
importance, predominance, property, prosperity, wealthiness.
निर्धनता सं
अकिंचनता, अनिर्वाह, अनिर्वृति, अपर्याप्तता, अप्रचुरता, अप्राचुर्य, अबहुलता, अभाव, अभूति, अयथेष्टता, अलक्ष्मी, अल्पता, असंपन्नता, असमृद्धता, असमृद्धि, आवश्यकता, कमज़ोरी, कमताई, कमी, क़िल्लत, ख्वारी, ग़रीबी, गरुत, गर्दिश, घटी, ज़रूरत, ज़रूरतमंदी, टोटा, तंगदस्ती, तंग हाल, तंगहाली, तंगी, दरिद्रता, दीनता, दुरवस्था, दुर्भाग्य, दैन्य, धनधान्यहीनता, धनहीनता, नगण्यता, नादारी, निर्धनता, न्यूनता, पस्ती, बदहाली, बुरा हाल, बेज़री, बेनवाई, बेसाज़ो सामानी, भाग्यहीनता, मुफ़लिसी, राहित्य, विहीनता, वैकल्य, संकट, संपत्तिहीनता.
Similar Concepts
निर्धनता रेखा, अपर्याप्तता, अल्पधन, अल्पव्यय, कंजूसी, कमताई, कुपोषण, ग़रीब, दिवाला, दुर्भाग्य, निम्नवित्तता, निर्धनजन, भिक्षावृत्ति, महत्वहीनता.
Opposite Concepts
धनाढ्यता, प्रधानता, महत्व, संपत्ति, समृद्धि.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.