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worship n
act of worship.
act of devotion, adoration, adulation, attendance, beatification, bhakti, bowing, devotions, entreaty, genuflection, glorification, glory, grace, homage, idolatry, invocation, Mass, ministry, obeisance, observance, offering, orison, pooja, praise, prayer, praying, puja (alt sp), religious ritual, respects, sacrifice, service, supplication, worship, zeal.
Similar Concepts
ancestor worship, cow worship, deity worship, devil worship, fire worship, Garud worship, ghost worship, God worship, idol worship, Nag worship, namaz, Nandi worship, phallus worship, planet worship, Shakti worship, stars worship, sun worship, tomb worship, vehicle worship, weapon worship, worshipping a formless God, aarati, attachment as a form of devotion, bell, Christian worship, conch, cymbal, dependennce as a form of worship, devotion, friendship as a form of devotion, Gauri worship, gong, honour, idol worship, incantation, incense stick, keeping canonical hours, keertan, love as a form of devotion, loyalty, mantra, namaz, nightlong singing, over-religiosity, pantheism, parental affection as a form of, praise, prayer, religion, religious offering, respect, satsang, scripture recital, service as a form of devotion, slavery as a form of devotion, undivided devotion, virtue, wifehood as a form of devotion.
पूजा सं
पूजाएँ, पूजाओँ, पूजाओं.
अभिवादन, अभिहव, अभ्यर्चना, अभ्यर्थना, अरदास, अर्चना, अर्चा, अर्पण, अर्हणा, अर्हा, आरति (विकल्प), आरती, आरती वंदना, आराधना, आराधनी, इज्या, इबादत, ईश्वर स्मरण, उपचर्या, उपसत्ति, उपसेवा, उपस्थिति, उपासना, उपासना सेवा, उपासा, ऋक्, ऋग्, ऋच्, चटु, चाकरी, चित्ति, झुकन, टहल, तसद्दुक़, दुआ, नमः, नमः नमो, नमन, नमस्कार, नमस्या, नाम स्मरण, निःश्रेयस, निषेवण, निषेवा, नैभृत्य, पद्य, परस्तिश, पर्युपासना, पुजाई, पुजापा, पुजौरा, पूज, पूजा, पूजा अर्चा, पूजा उपासना, पूजाभक्ति, प्रार्थना, बंदगी, बिनती, भक्ति, भगति, भगती, भजन पूजा, यज्ञ, राधना, वंदना, संराधना, संराधनी, संस्तुति, समर्चना, समाराधना, समाराधनी, समुपवेश, सम्मान, सलामी, साधना, साम, सुमरन, सेवा, सेवा उपासना, सेवा बंदगी, स्तवन, स्तुति, स्थिति, स्मरण, हाज़िरी.
Similar Concepts
अग्निपूजा, आयुध पूजा, ईश्वर पूजा, गरुड़ पूजा, गोपूजा, देवपूजा, नंदीपूजा, नक्षत्र पूजा, नवग्रह पूजा, नागपूजा, निराकार पूजा, पितृपूजा, प्रेतपूजा, बहुदेव पूजपूजा, मूर्तिपूजा, लिंगपूजा, वाहन पूजा, शक्तिपूजा, शैतान पूजा, समाधि पूजा, सूर्यपूजा, अगरबत्ती, आदर, आरती, ईसाई पूजा, कीर्तन, गौरीपूजा, घंटा घड़ियाल, घंटी, चढ़ावा, जाप, झाँझ, धर्म, धर्मपाठ, धर्मानुशीलन, नमाज़, निष्ठा, पुण्य, प्रशंसा, प्रार्थना, भक्ति, मंत्र, रतजगा, शंख, संध्योपासना, सत्कार, सत्संग, सम्मान.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.