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The nearest match "pUrNatahsammilitahonekAkarma/prakriyA/udAharaNa-shAmilahonekIavasthA-poshakatatvonkAplAvmAmen" in the Index is being displayed.
assimilation n
an act/process/instance of assimilating - the state of being assimilated - the incorporation/conversion of nutrients into protoplasm – acceptance of a donor’s body part by the host living being.
absorption, acceptance, acceptation, adaptation, adaption, amalgamation, assimilating, assimilation, embodiment, incorporating, incorporation, integration, nonrejection, no rejection, no repulsion, retention.
Similar Concepts
assimilator, inclusion.
Opposite Concepts
abandonment, nonassimilation.
स्वांगीकरण सं
पूर्णतः सम्मिलित होने का कर्म/प्रक्रिया/उदाहरण - शामिल होने की अवस्था - पोषक तत्वों का प्लाव्मा मेँ अंतर्भाव - दाता जीव के किसी अंग की प्राप्ता जीव के शरीर द्वारा स्वीकृति.
अंगीकरण, अंगीकृति, अपनाव, अपरित्याग, अस्वीकृति अभाव, आत्मीयकरण, उपगति, क़बूली, ग्रहण, तसलीम, प्रतिगृहण, प्रतिग्रह, प्रतिग्रहण, संवर्गण, समुपगमन, स्वकरण, स्वकृति, स्वांगीकरण, स्वीकरण, स्वीकार, स्वीकृति.
Similar Concepts
समावेश, स्वांगीकरण कर्ता.
Opposite Concepts
अस्वांगीकरण, परित्याग.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.