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just adj
free from favouritism or self-interest or bias or deception - conforming with established standards or rules.
aboveboard, acceptable, according to fiat, adjudicative, adjudicatory, admissible, allowable, appropriate, authoritative, authorized, balanced, by law, candid, clean, constitutional, correct, defensible, detached, disinterested, enjoined, equable, equal, equitable, established, ethical, evenhanded, even stephen, fair, good, honest, impartial, in conformity to the law, in the right, judicious, just, justifiable, lawful, legal, legit, legitimate, licit, mandated, neutral, nonpartisan, objective, open-minded, ordained, permissible, permitted, principled, proper, reasonable, respectable, right, righteous, sacred, sound, sporting, square, sterling, tenable, unbiased, unclouded, uncoloured, uncorrupted, unprejudiced, upright, valid, virtuous, warrantable, within the law.
Similar Concepts
acceptable, deceitless, egalitarian, equitable, ethical, fair-minded, honest, impartial, indisputable, judicial, lawful, legal, rightful, sportsmanlike.
Opposite Concepts
discriminatory, illegal, partisan, unfair, unjust.
न्यायपूर्ण वि
पक्षधरता या निजी हित और छलछंद से मुक्त - नैतिकता से मान्य नियमोँ और स्तरोँ के अनुकूल.
अंगीकार्य, ईमानदार, उचित, खरा [खरी], ठीक, तटस्थ, तर्कसंगत, धर्मसंगत, धर्माश्रित, नियमानुकूल, नैतिक, नैतिकतापूर्ण, न्यायपूर्ण, न्याययुक्त, न्यायसंगत, न्यायानुकूल, न्यायोचित, न्याय्य, पक्षपातहीन, पूर्वग्रहहीन, मान्य, यकचश्मी, यथाविध, युक्तिसंगत, वाजिब, विधिसंगत, विहित, वैध, संगत, सन्याय, समीचीन, सविधि, सही, स्वीकार्य.
Similar Concepts
अधिकारसंगत, ईमानदार, खेल भावना पूर्ण, छलहीन, निष्पक्ष, नैतिक, नैयायिक, न्यायप्रिय, न्यायानुकूल, भेदभावहीन, विवादातीत, वैध, समव्यवहारपूर्ण, स्वीकार्य.
Opposite Concepts
अन्यायी, अवैध, न्यायहीन, पक्षधर, पक्षपातपूर्ण.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.