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The nearest match "kshatiyAhAnikAbadalAchukAnekeliekritya" in the Index is being displayed.
Hindi (Roman Script)
abhikriyA, akshamA, AnkhakebadaleAnkha, bada, badalA, barAbarI, danDa, hinsA, hinsApratihinsA, intikAma, InTakAjavAbapatthara, intakAma, jaesekotaesA, javAba, phala, palaTavAra, parishodha, pratighAta, pratihinsA, prAtihantra, pratihati, pratIkAra, pratikAra, pratikara, pratikriti, pratikriyA, pratikarma, pratimochana, pratiniryAtana, pratinishkraya, pratipApa, pratiprahAra, pratishodha, pratishodhakarma, prativaera, pratividhi, pratividhAna, pratiyAtanA, pratiyAtana, pratiyatna, pratyuttara, paruA, shodha, shodhana, sAnTI, sATA, sATI, sazA, uttara, vaerapratIkAra, vaerapratikriyA, vaerapratishodha, vaerashodha, vaerashuddhi, vaeravishuddhi, viprakAra, yAtana.
Similar Concepts
dayAhInatA, hinsA, pratikriyA, pratirodha, pratyAkramaNa, pratyAkramaNa, asahanashIlatA, shatrutA.
Opposite Concepts
kshamA, mitratA, sahana.
revenge n
action taken in return for an injury or offence.
amercement, an eye for an eye, avenging, blow for blow, clash, counterattack, counterblow, countercharge, countercheck, counterinsurgency, countermeasure, counterstroke, getting back, getting even, hitting back, just deserts, measure for measure, paying back, paying off, punishment, quid pro quo, rally, reciprocating, reciprocation, redress, repayment, reprisal, requital, retaliating, retaliation, retorsion, retortion, retribution, return of evil for evil, revanche, revanchism, revenge, right, settling accounts, sortie, spite, tit for tat, turning the tables, vengeance, wrath.
Similar Concepts
counterattack, enmity, intolerance, reaction, resistance, unkindliness, violence.
Opposite Concepts
friendship, pardon, toleration.
Sample Phrases
"They believe the attack was in revenge for the beloved leader's murder.".
प्रतिशोध सं
क्षति या हानि का बदला चुकाने के लिए कृत्य.
अक्षमा, अभिक्रिया, आँख के बदले आँख, इंतकाम, इंतिकाम, ईँट का जवाब पत्थर, उत्तर, जवाब, जैसे को तैसा, दंड, परिशोध, परुआ, पलटवार, प्रतिकर, प्रतिकर्म, प्रतिकार, प्रतिकृति, प्रतिक्रिया, प्रतिघात, प्रतिनिर्यातन, प्रतिनिष्क्रय, प्रतिपाप, प्रतिप्रहार, प्रतिमोचन, प्रतियत्न, प्रतियातन, प्रतियातना, प्रतिविधान, प्रतिविधि, प्रतिवैर, प्रतिशोध, प्रतिशोध कर्म, प्रतिहति, प्रतिहिंसा, प्रतीकार, प्रत्युत्तर, प्रातिहंत्र, फल, बद, बदला, बराबरी, यातन, विप्रकार, वैर प्रतिक्रिया, वैर प्रतिशोध, वैर प्रतीकार, वैर विशुद्धि, वैरशुद्धि, वैर शोध, शोध, शोधन, सज़ा, साँटी, साटा, साटी, हिंसा, हिंसा प्रतिहिंसा.
Similar Concepts
असहनशीलता, दयाहीनता, प्रतिक्रिया, प्रतिरोध, प्रत्याक्रमण, प्रत्याक्रमण, शत्रुता, हिंसा.
Opposite Concepts
क्षमा, मित्रता, सहन.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.