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The nearest match "ichchhAyAAshAkepUrAnahoneseupajAavasAda" in the Index is being displayed.
disappointment n
a feeling of dissatisfaction in case expectations are not realized.
adversity, anticlimax, blighted hope, blue funk, breakdown, comedown, dejectedness, dejection, depression, despair, desperation, despondency, disappointment, discouragement, disheartenment, disillusionment, dismay, frustration, funk, gloom, hopelessness, low spirits, miscarriage of plans, pessimism.
Similar Concepts
anticlimax, defeat, dejection, demoralization, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, distressed condition, failure, heartbreak, loss, nervous breakdown, pessimism, pipe dream, sigh, unenthusiasm, unexpectation, unhappy circumstances.
Opposite Concepts
ambition, courage, enthusiasm, fortitude, hope, morale, pleasantry, striving.
Sample Phrases
"His hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment.".
निराशा सं
निराशाएँ, निराशाओँ, निराशाओं.
इच्छा या आशा के पूरा न होने से उपजा अवसाद.
अनुत्साह, आशाभंग, उत्साहभंग, तुषारपात, दुराशा, नाउम्मीदी, नाउम्मेदी, निरपेक्षा, निराशा, निराश्य, नैराश्य, मनोभंग, मायूसी, स्वप्नभंग, हताशा, हरास, हिरास.
Similar Concepts
अनपेक्षा, अनुत्साह, असंतोष, असफलता, उच्छ्वास, उत्साह भंग, उदासी, ऐंटीक्लाईमैक्स, दुरासा, दुर्दशा, निराशावाद, पराजय, पस्ती, मोहभंग, विषादोन्माद, हानि, हृदयभंजन.
Opposite Concepts
आशा, उत्साह, धैर्य, मनोबल, महत्वाकांक्षा, विनोद, साधना, साहस.
Sample Phrases
"यदि आशाएँ निराधार होँ तो निराशा की संभावना तो होती ही है.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.