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accurately adv
accurately, beyond doubt, carefully, certainly, clearly, conclusively, concretely, correctly, decisively, deeply, definitely, definitively, distinctly, emphatically, errorlessly, exactly, explicitly, fairly, faultlessly, finally, finely, firmly, fixedly, incontrovertibly, in detail, infinitesimally, in so many words, justly, methodically, meticulously, minutely, not about, not just about, not on an estimate, not vaguely, particularly, patently, perfectly, pointedly, positively, precisely, properly, really, reliably, rightly, rigidly, rigorously, scrupulously, soundly, specifically, squarely, strictly, surely, to a nicety, to a T, to the letter, to the nines, truly, unambiguously, unerringly, unmistakably, unmistakenly, unquestionably, veraciously.
Similar Concepts
clearly, on target, word for word.
Opposite Concepts
approximately, imprecisely.
ठीक ठीक क्रिवि
अटकल से नहीँ, अनुमान से नहीँ, अवलंबनीयतः, असंदिग्धतः, आकलिततः, आप्ततः, एक दम, गहराई से, गहरे से, गूढ़तः, ठीक, ठीक ठीक, ठीकम ठीक, ठीक से, तक़रीबन नहीँ, त्रुटिहीनतः, ध्यान से, नियततः, निर्धारिततः, निश्चिततः, पक्के तौर पर, परिगणिततः, पूरी तरह, पूर्णतः, पूर्णतया, प्रगणिततः, प्रमाणिततः, बारीक़ी से, बिल्कुल, बेचूक, भूलहीनतः, भ्रमहीनतः, मू बमू, लगभग नहीँ, वस्तुतः, वाक़ई, वास्तव मेँ, विश्वसनीयतः, शंकाहीनतः, सत्यतः, सत्यापिततः, सदृशतः, समरूपतः, सही, सही तौर पर, सही सही, सूक्ष्मतः, स्पष्टतः, हर्फ़ बहर्फ़, हूबहू.
Similar Concepts
लक्ष्य पर, शब्द प्रति शब्द, स्पष्टतः.
Opposite Concepts
असटीकतः, लगभग.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.