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vain adj
aloof, arrant, arrogant, assuming, big, biggity, big-headed, blimpish, bloated, blowhard, boastfully pretentious, bold, boldfaced, brag, braggadocio, bragging, bully, bumptious, chesty, cocksure, cocky, conceited, condescending, crankish, drunk, egocentric, egoist, egoistic, egoistical, egotistic, egotistical, exclusive, exultant, Falstaffian, fastuous, flaunty, forward, grandiose, haughty, high and mighty, high-flown, high-handed, high-spirited, high-stepping, hoity-toity, immodest, imperious, impertinent, imposing, impressive, indifferent, individualist, individualistic, inflated, insolent, jackanapes, jaunty, lordly, loud, macho, magisterial, magistral, megalomaniacal, misbehaved, misbehaver, narcissist, offensive, officious, offish, on one's high horse, ostentatious, overbearing, overblown, overweening, perky, petty, pleased with oneself, presumptuous, pretentious, priggish, proud, proud as a peacock, puffed, puffed up, puffed up with pride, pumped, pushing, quackish, raving, sassy, self-centred, self-conceited, sententious, show-off, showy, smug, snob, snobbish, snooty, standoff, standoffish, stilted, stuck-up, stuffed-shirted, stuffy, sullen, supercilious, surly, swank, swanky, swellhead, swellheaded, too big for one's breeches, toplofty, unctuous, ungracious, uppish, uppity, upstage, vain, vainglorious, vane, wrapped up in oneself.
Similar Concepts
arrogant of learning, arrogant, boaster, contemptuous, courageous, disobedient, egoistic, hotheaded, insolent, megalomaniac, misbehaved, narcissistic, neorich, overbearing (person), proud, self-admiring, snobbish, ungrateful.
Opposite Concepts
bashful, cultured, diffident, grateful, humble, pragmatic (person), supplicant, unconceited.
अहंकारी वि
अतिमानी, अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण, अधृष्य, अनम्र, अभिमान प्रदर्शक, अविनम्र, अविनीत, अशिष्ट, असौम्य, अहंकारी, अहंकृत, अहंमन्य, अहंमन्यक, अहम्मन्य, अहम्मन्यक, आत्मकाम, उत्कट, उद्दाम, उद्धतमना, ऐँठू, कल्की, गबरा [गबरी], गब्बर, गरब गहेला [गरब गहेली], गरबीला [गरबीली], गर्वी, गर्वोन्मत्त, गल्भ, गुर्वी [गुर्विणी], गुस्ताख़, घमंडी [घमंडिन], टर्रू, डिंभिया, दंभपूर्ण, दंभी, दर्पक, दर्पित, दर्पी, दर्पी [दर्पिणी], दिमाग़दार, दुर्मद, दृप्त, धर्षी, धृष्ट, धृष्टमानी [धृष्टमानिनी], प्रगल्भित, प्रमत्त, प्रमद, फख़ीर, बक्की, बढ़ा चढ़ा [बढ़ी चढ़ी], बददिमाग़, बदमिज़ाज, मगरा [मगरी], मग़रूर, मतवाला [मतवाली], मत्त, मदमत्त, मदांध, मदोद्धत, मदोन्मत्त, मन्युमान [मन्युमती], मिज़ाजदार, मिज़ाज वाला, मिज़ाजी, मिथ्या अभिमानी, मुदम्मिग़, लिप्त, विकट, शानची, शेख़ीख़ोर, सगंध, सदंभ, सदर्प, सदामद, सरअफ़राज़, सरगराँ, सरमस्त, साहंकार, साहबे दिमाग़, स्वपूर्ण, हंकारी, हवाई, हेकड़ीबाज़.
Similar Concepts
विद्याहंकारी, अकड़बाज़, अभिमानी, अवज्ञाकारी, असंस्कृत, अहंकारपूर्ण, आत्मप्रशंसी, आत्ममोहग्रस्त, आत्मविश्वासी, कृतघ्न, क्रोधी, खेदहीन, डीँगबाज़, तिरस्कारपूर्ण, दुर्व्यवहारी, धृष्ट, नकचढ़ा [नकचढ़ी], नवधनाढ्य, भव्योन्मादग्रस्त, साहसी, हेकड़ीबाज़.
Opposite Concepts
अहंकारहीन, कृतज्ञ, निवेदक, लजालु, विनम्र, व्यवहारवादी, संकोची.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.