distant adj
remote in space or coming from or going to a distance.
afar, away, beyond, distant, far, faraway, farther, further, nonadjacent, off, out of sight, para-, remote, tele-, unadjacent, uncontiguous, withdrawn, yon, yonder.
Similar Concepts
farther, farthest, invisible, long-shaped, uncontiguous.
Opposite Concepts
bordering, near.
Sample Phrases
"a distant sound", "a distant telephone call", "distant villages".
दूर वि
अनिकट, अलग्न, असन्निकट, असन्निहित, असमीप, असमीपस्थ, आगे, उधर, दुर-, दूर, दूर का, दूरवर्ती, दूर वाला, दूरस्त, दूरस्थ, दूरी पर, न्यारा [न्यारी], परे, हट कर.
Similar Concepts
दूरतम, दूरतर, अदृश्य, अनसटा [अनसटी], लंबा [लंबी].
Opposite Concepts
निकट, सीमावर्ती.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.