panic n
a sudden overpowering terror often affecting many people at once - a state of great terror or loss of nerve.
agitation, alarm, blue funk, chill, cold feet, confusion, consternation, delirium, demoralization, dismay, disquiet, dread, excitement, fear, funk, great terror, hysteria, incitement, jitters, loss of nerve, nervousness, panic, rush, scare, sensation, stampede, tension, terror, trepidation.
Similar Concepts
demoralization, fear, terror.
अत्यातंक सं
अचानक एक साथ अनेक लोगों को उद्विग्न कर देने वाला आतंक, पैनिक.
अत्यातंक, आंदोलितता, आवेग, उथलपुथल, कँपकँपाहट, कँपकँपी, खलबलाहट, खलबली, घबराहट, जनातंक, तहलका, दहल, दहशत, धुकधुकी, प्रमाद, प्रोत्तेजना, बेकली, बेचैनी, भगदड़, भयाकुलता, सनसनी, सिहरन, हड़कंप, हलचल, हृत्कंप, हौलदिली.
Similar Concepts
आतंक, उत्साह भंग, भय.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.