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curiosity n
eagerness to know about something or to get information.
a questing mind, curiosity, curiousness, desire to discover, desire to find out, desire to know, disposition to inquire, enquiring mind, enquiry, inclination to ask questions, inquiring mind, inquiringness, inquiry, inquisitiveness, interest, intrusiveness, pursuit, query, quest, questioning, scientific interest, search, thirst for knowledge, who what when what how where etc, wonder.
Similar Concepts
astonishment, fact-finding, puzzle, query, question, research, searching, snooping.
Opposite Concepts
answer, incuriosity, solution, spiritual enlightenment.
जिज्ञासा सं
जिज्ञासाएँ, जिज्ञासाओँ, जिज्ञासाओं.
अचंभा, अनुयोग, आपृच्छा, उत्कंठा, उत्सुकता, कुतूहल, कौतुक, कौतूहल, कौन क्या कब कैसे कहाँ आदि, खोज इच्छा, गर्ध, जानना इच्छा, जिज्ञासा, जुस्तजू, जोह, ज्ञान इच्छा, ज्ञान पिपासा, ज्ञानेच्छा, ज्ञानेप्सा, ज्ञीप्सा, टोह, तलाश, परिपृच्छा, परीक्षा, पूछताछ, पृच्छा, प्रश्न, फिराक, विचिचीषा, विजिज्ञासा, विज्ञीप्सा, विवित्सा, विस्मय, सवाल, स्मय.
Similar Concepts
आश्चर्य, ज्ञान, तथ्यान्वेषण, तलाश, ताकझाँक, पहेली, पृच्छा, प्रश्न, शोध.
Opposite Concepts
अजिज्ञासा, उत्तर, ज्ञानोदय, समाधान.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.