colossus n
someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful.
amazon, amazononian, behemoth, bowhead, bull, colossal being, colossal person, colossus, Cyclopean, demon, devil, dinosaur, elephant, Gargantua, giant, gigantic being, Goliath, gorilla, Hercules, hippopotamus, hulk, hunk, leviathan, mammoth, monster, mountain, Procrustes, rhinoceros, Titan, whale, yeti.
Similar Concepts
demon, dinosaur, god (deity), phantom, plump person, rakshas, robust man, tall person, Titan.
Opposite Concepts
dwarf person, Pygmy, skinny person.
महाकाय व्यक्ति सं
अगड़धत्त, अमेज़न, काल, काला देव, काला पहाड़, किंगकांग, कुंभकर्ण, गेंडा, गोरिल्ला, गोलियथ, घटोत्कच, जहाज़, जायंट, जिन, जिन्न, टाइटन, डाइनासौर, डैविल, ताड़, ताड़का, दानव, देव, देवदानव, देवदाना, दैत्य, पर्वत, पहलवान, पहाड़, पिशाच, बनमानुष, बैल, भीम, भीमकाय मनुष्य, भैँस, भैँसा, महाकाय व्यक्ति, महाकाल, यमराज, येति, राक्षस, रावण, व्हेल, हाथी, हिपोपोटोमस.
Similar Concepts
टाइटन, डाइनासौर, डैमन, देवता, फैंटम, बलिष्ठ पुरुष, मोटा व्यक्ति, राक्षस, लंबा व्यक्ति.
Opposite Concepts
कृशकाय व्यक्ति, पिग्मी, बौना व्यक्ति.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.