अवांछनीय वि
अकाम्य, अतिरिक्त, अनभिलाष्य, अनाकांक्ष्य, अनाप्त, अनावश्यक, अनिच्छनीय, अनुचित, अनुपयुक्त, अप्रिय, अप्रेय, अवांछनीय, ग़ैरमुनासिब, त्याज्य, नापसंद, नामाकूल, नामुनासिब, नावाजिब, निरर्थक, परित्याज्य, फ़ज़ूल, फ़ालतू, व्यर्थ.
Similar Concepts
अतिरिक्त, अनावश्यक, अनुपभुक्त, अनुपयोगी, अलोकप्रिय, अवशिष्ट, अवसरप्रतिकूल, अवांछित, अवांछित, अवैध, असाध्य, क्षमतातीत, घृणित, परित्याज्य, बुरा [बुरी].
Opposite Concepts
ईर्ष्य, पसंद, लोभप्रद, वांछनीय, सकारथ, स्वीकार्य.
undesirable adj
disagreeable, dislikable, dislikeable, disliked, dispensable, disposable, ill-favoured, inappropriate, inapt, inept, nonessential, not missed, not necessary, not needed, not wanted, not welcome, redundant, rejected, uncalled-for, undesirable, undue, unenviable, unnecessary, untoward, unwarrantable, unwelcome.
Similar Concepts
abandonable, bad, beyond capacity, extra, hated, illegal, inopportune, remaindered, unachievable, unconsumed, unnecessary, unpopular, unwanted, useless.
Opposite Concepts
acceptable, desirable, enviable, liked, purposive, tempting.
Sample Phrases
"He removed the unwanted vegetation from the field.", "We need legislation excluding undesirable aliens.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.