थामना क्रि
थाम, थामता, थामती, थामते, थामा, थामिएगा, थामी, थामूँ, थामूँगा, थामूँगी, थामे, थामेँ, थामेँगी, थामेंगी, थामेँगे, थामेंगे, थामेगा, थामेगी, थामो, थामोगी, थामोगे.
अवष्टंभ होना, आधार देना, आधार होना, टेक देना, टेक होना, थामना, धारण करना, धारना, धारित करना, नीचे होना, मूल में होना, मूल होना, सँभारना, सँभालना, सजना, समदाना, सहारना, सहारा देना, साजना.
Similar Concepts
कैच लेना, धरना, पकड़ना, सँभालना, समर्थन करना.
Opposite Concepts
अस्थिर करना, गिराना, न होने देना, पटकना, प्रतिरोध करना, बाधा डालना, रोकना.
hold v
held, holding, holds.
anchor, back, be a prop, bear, be at the base, be the base, be the basis for, brace, carry, contain, hold, hold up, keep, lie under, prop, prop up, shore, stabilize, stay, support, sustain, underlie.
Similar Concepts
give support, grasp, keep under control, put, stabilize, take a catch.
Opposite Concepts
bring down, destabilize, fell, obstruct, prevent, resist, stop.
Hindi (Roman Script)
thAmA, thAma, thAme, thAmegA, thAmegI, thAmen, thAmenge, thAmenge, thAmengI, thAmengI, thAmI, thAmiegA, thAmo, thAmoge, thAmogI, thAmatA, thAmate, thAmatI, thAmUn, thAmUngA, thAmUngI.
AdhAradenA, AdhArahonA, avashTambhahonA, dhAritakaranA, dhAranA, dhAraNakaranA, mUlahonA, mUlamenhonA, nIchehonA, sahArAdenA, sahAranA, sAjanA, sajanA, sambhAlanA, sambhAranA, samadAnA, TekadenA, TekahonA, thAmanA.
Similar Concepts
dharanA, kaechalenA, pakad.anA, sambhAlanA, samarthanakaranA.
Opposite Concepts
bAdhADAlanA, girAnA, nahonedenA, pratirodhakaranA, paTakanA, rokanA, asthirakaranA.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.