झोल सं
झोलेँ, झोलें, झोलोँ, झोलों.
दृढ़ता के अभाव मेँ या भार अथवा दाब के कारण नीचे की ओर झुकाव जैसे अलगनी का झोल.
अवरोह, उतार, गिरन, झुकन, झुकाव, झोल, डुबक, डोब, ढलन, ढिलाई, ढील, ढीलापन, तनाव मेँ झोल, तनाव मेँ ढील, दबक, धँसाव, निचान, पात, पेटा, बैठन, शिथिलता.
Similar Concepts
ढलान, नति, नतोदरता, लटकन, लटक वक्र.
Opposite Concepts
तनापन, पकड़.
sag n
downward gradual bulge under weight or pressure or through lack of strength for example a sag in clothes line.
dip, drooping, drop, fall, leeway, looseness, lop, sag, sagging, slack, slackness, slip, slump, suspension curve, swag.
Similar Concepts
concavity, downward slope, inclined plane, pendulosity, suspension curve.
Opposite Concepts
grip, tautness.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.