छोटा [छोटी] वि
छोटा, छोटी, छोटे, छोटोँ, छोटों.
अदना, अल्प, अल्पाकार, ख़ुर्द, छटंकी, छुट-, छुटका [छुटकी], छोटा [छोटी], नन्हा [नन्ही], न्यून, न्यूनाकार, लघु, लघुक, लघ्वाकार, लहु, लहुरा [लहुरी], संक्षिप्त, सरु, स्वल्प.
Similar Concepts
असमाकार, छोटे साइज़ का, जेबी, पतला [पतली], बौना [बौनी], रीड्यूस्ड, लघुकाय, लघुकृत, संकीर्ण, संकुचित, संक्षिप्त, साइज़ से छोटा, सूक्ष्म.
Opposite Concepts
ऐनलार्ज्ड, चौड़ा [चौड़ी], प्रसारित, बृहत्, महाकाय, विस्तीर्ण.
small adj
brief, concise, demi-, dwarfed, dwarfish, -ette, fiddling, jerkwater (town), -kin, -let, little, mini, miniature, narrow, not large, petty, piccolo, portable, scant, scanty, short, slight, small, smallish.
Similar Concepts
abridged, constricted, dwarfish, flat, miniscule, narrow, pocket-sized, reduced, shortened, small-bodied, smaller than the right size, small-size, small-sized, unequal in size.
Opposite Concepts
colossal, enlarged, expanded, expansive, large, wide.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.