responsibility n
something for which one is responsible - a duty, obligation, or burden..
accountability, answerability, assignment, bond, bounden duty, burden, business, care, charge, commission, commitment, compulsion, contract, culpability, duty, encumbrance, fidelity, job, liability, mission, necessity, obligation, onus, responsibility, responsibleness, task, undertaking.
Similar Concepts
action, agreement, attention, authority, commitment, duty, duty as a king, field of activity, incumbency, jurisdiction, operating (as a machine etc), sense of responsibility.
Opposite Concepts
carelessness, dereliction, irresponsibility, nonfulfilment of responsibility, rights, unanswerability.
Sample Phrases
"I feel I have a moral responsibility to help the poor.", "Ram has been given the responsibility to design and carry out the entire project.", "We are recruiting you as a sales manager with responsibility for the European market.".
दायित्व सं
दायित्वोँ, दायित्वों.
किसी बात को करने या किए जाने का भार.
उत्तरदायिता, उत्तरदायित्व, कर्तव्य, कर्म, काम, कार्यभार, जवाबदेही, ज़िम्मा, ज़िम्मावारी, ज़िम्मेदारी, ज़िम्मेवारी, दायित्व, फ़र्ज़, बाध्यता, बोझ, भरोसा, भार, लाज़िम.
Similar Concepts
अनुबंध, अभियान, कर्तव्य, कर्म, कार्यक्षेत्र, ठेका, दायित्व पालकता, दायित्व भावना, पदासीनता, प्रतिबद्धता, राजधर्म, सत्ताक्षेत्र, सत्ताधिकार, सावधानी.
Opposite Concepts
अधिकार, असावधानी, कर्तव्यच्युति, दायित्व अनिर्वाह, दायित्वहीनता.
Sample Phrases
"इस परियोजना की परिकल्पना और पूर्ति का सारा दायित्व राम का है.", "निर्धन जन की सेवा को मैँ अपना निजी दायित्व मानता हूँ.", "हम आप को यूरोपीय बाज़ार का दायित्व सौँप रहे हैँ. आशा है आप इसे पूरी ज़िम्मेदारी से निभाएँगे.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.