accused adj
accused, alleged to be guilty, arraigned, attacked, blamed, bound up in, charged, criminated, faulted, given the blame, implicated, incriminated, indicted, indictee, involved, liable, on the docket, respondent, responder, subject to accusation, supposedly guilty, suspected, under a cloud, under attack, under fire, under indictment, under suspicion, under the shadow of, up for.
Similar Concepts
implicated (accused), accusation, accused person, guilty.
Opposite Concepts
complainant, explained, plaintiff.
आरोपित (व्यक्ति) वि
अतिक्रमित, अपराद्ध, अभियुक्त, अभिशप्त, असामी, आक्रांत, आक्षिप्त, आक्षेपित, आरोपग्रस्त, आरोपित, आरोपित (व्यक्ति), आरोपी (नवप्रचलन), उत्तरदाता, उलझा [उलझी], कटघरे में खड़ा, ग्रस्त, जवाबदेह, दाग़ी, दोषारोपित, प्रतिवादी, प्रत्यभियुक्त, फँसा [फँसी], मुजरिम, मुलज़म, मुलज़िम, मुल्ज़िम, लांछित, विकल्पित, विवदित, विवादित, व्यवहाराभिशस्त, शंक्य, शप्त, शोध्य, संदिग्ध, संशयित.
Similar Concepts
फँसा (अभियुक्त), आरोप, आरोपी, सिद्धदोष.
Opposite Concepts
आरोप कर्ता, शिकायत कर्ता, स्पष्टीकृत.
Hindi (Roman Script)
abhishapta, abhiyukta, AkrAnta, Akshepita, Akshipta, aparAddha, Aropagrasta, AropI(navaprachalana), Aropita, Aropita(vyakti), asAmI, atikramita, dAg.I, doshAropita, grasta, javAbadeha, kaTagharemenkhad.A, lAnchhita, mujarima, mulazima, mulzima, mulazama, phansA[phansI], prativAdI, pratyabhiyukta, shankya, shodhya, shapta, sandigdha, sanshayita, ulajhA[ulajhI], uttaradAtA, vikalpita, vivAdita, vivadita, vyavahArAbhishasta.
Similar Concepts
phansA(abhiyukta), Aropa, AropI, siddhadosha.
Opposite Concepts
AropakartA, shikAyatakartA, spashTIkrita.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.