insult someone v
insulted, insulting, insults.
abase, abash, abuse, affront, call names, cast down, cause to feel shame, chagrin, chasten, crush, curse, dare, denigrate, deride, derogate, discomfit, disgrace, disparage, displease, disregard, gibe, humble, humiliate, hurl insults, insult, insult someone, libel, malign, mortify, offend, outrage, rebuff, reproach, revile, ridicule, scoff, scoff at, shame, slander, spurn, vex, wound.
Similar Concepts
contemn, defame, give a kick, humiliate, misbehave, put to shame, shower abuses, shower ridicule.
Opposite Concepts
admire, behave well, confer an honour, honour, idolize.
Sample Phrases
"He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss", "His teacher continually humiliates him in maths lessons".
अपमान करना क्रि
अपमान करना, अपमानना, अपमानित करना, अवज्ञा करना, इज़्ज़त उतारना, उँगली दिखाना, कलंकित करना, कलुषित करना, कीचड़ उछालना, खिँचाई करना, खीँचना, डुबाना, दाग़ लगाना, निंदा करना, निदरना, मुँह काला करना.
Similar Concepts
उपहास करना, गाली देना, ठोकर मारना, तिरस्कार करना, दुर्व्यवहार करना, नीचा दिखाना, मानहानि करना, लज्जित करना.
Opposite Concepts
नायक पूजा करना, प्रशंसा करना, सद्व्यवहार करना, सम्मान करना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.