deceitful adj
ambidextrous, artful, base, cheating, circuitous, clandestine, colourable, complicated, complicitous, concocted, crafty, crooked, deceitful, deceiving, deceptive, devious, dishonest, dodgy, double, double-dealing, double-faced, double-tongued, fallacious, false, felonious, fickle, fishy, fly-by-night, foxy, furtive, glossy, gyp, hidden, hypocritical, impious, imposturous, ingenious, insidious, insincere, intriguing, jackleg, Janus-faced, lying, mean, mendacious, meretricious, misleading, nefarious, not manifest, perfidious, pernicious, perverse, roundabout, seeming, shady, sharp, sleekit, slinky, slippery, sly, sneaky, specious, spurious, stealthy, surreptitious, tortuous, treacherous, trickish, tricky, vile, wily, yellow.
Similar Concepts
concealed, elusive, opaque, perplexing, sinful, suspected, traitorous, unethical, untrue, untrustworthy, wicked.
Opposite Concepts
deceitless, deceived, honest, indubitable, loyal, simple-hearted, trustworthy, unhypocritical.
छलपूर्ण वि
कपटपूर्ण, कुटिल, कुह, कूट, कूटयुक्तिपूर्ण, गुप्त, छद्म, छद्मपूर्ण, छलछद्मपूर्ण, छलनामय, छलपूर्ण, छल भरा, छिपा [छिपी], जटिल, झूठा [झूठी], दग़ैल, दोमुँहा [दोमुँही], फुसलाऊ, बहकाऊ, बेईमान, मायावी, वक्र, विकट, विषम, साज़िशी.
Similar Concepts
अनैतिक, अपारदर्शी, अविश्वसनीय, असत्यतापूर्ण, कुटिल, ग़द्दारी भरा, छिपा [छिपी], नज़र बचाता, पापपूर्ण, भ्रामक, संदिग्ध.
Opposite Concepts
असंदिग्ध, ईमानदार, छलहीन, छला [छली], निष्ठावान, पाखंडहीन, विश्वसनीय, सरलचित्त.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.