wicked adj
arch, artful, bad, baleful, base, below the belt, bent, cagey, complicated, complicitous, crafty, crooked, dangerous, deep-dyed, devilish, devious, diabolic, diabolical, dirty, disingenuous, evil, extreme, fishy, flagitious, flagrant, foul, foxy, godless, grungy, harmful, heinous, hellish, immoral, impious, infamous, infernal, insincere, malicious, mean, mischievous, monstrous, nasty, naughty, nefarious, perfidious, pernicious, profane, reptilian, roguish, satanic, scandalous, slimy, sordid, trickish, tricky, unethical, unfair, unmoral, unprincipled, vicious, vulpine, wicked, wrong.
Similar Concepts
crafty (move), crafty (person), deceitful, demeritorious, dishonest, disloyal, elusive, foxlike, greedy, hated, ignoble, intelligent, opportunistic, ostentatious, selfish, sinful, treacherous, villainous.
Opposite Concepts
childlike, deceitless, ethical, honest, simple-hearted.
कुटिल वि
अनृजु, ओछा [ओछी], कपट करनेवाला, कपटी, कुटिल, कुटिलतापूर्ण, कुटीचर, ग़लत, चलता पुरज़ा, चार सौ बीस, चालाकी भरा, छँटैल, छंदी, छद्मी, छलछंदी, छलछिद्री, छलपूर्ण, छली, टेढ़ा [टेढ़ी], दग़ाबाज़, धूर्त, धूर्ततापूर्ण, धोखेबाज़, नीच, नीचतापूर्ण, बुरा [बुरी], शठ, शठतापूर्ण, शरारती.
Similar Concepts
अवसरवादितापूर्ण, कूटनीतिपूर्ण, घृणित, छलपूर्ण, दुर्जनतापूर्ण, निष्ठाहीन, पाखंडपूर्ण, पापपूर्ण, विश्वासघातपूर्ण, शातिर.
Opposite Concepts
ईमानदार, छलहीन, नैतिक, शिशुवत, सरलचित्त.
Hindi (Roman Script)
anriju, burA[burI], chhadmI, chhalachhidrI, chhalachhandI, chhalI, chhalapUrNa, chhandI, chhanTaela, chAlAkIbharA, chalatApuraj.A, chArasaubIsa, dag.AbAj.a, dhokhebAj.a, dhUrta, dhUrtatApUrNa, g.alata, kapaTI, kapaTakaranevAlA, kuTIchara, kuTila, kuTilatApUrNa, nIcha, nIchatApUrNa, ochhA[ochhI], sharAratI, shaTHa, shaTHatApUrNa, TeDh.A[TeDh.I].
Similar Concepts
chhalapUrNa, durjanatApUrNa, ghriNita, kUTanItipUrNa, nishTHAhIna, pAkhanDapUrNa, pApapUrNa, shAtira, vishvAsaghAtapUrNa, avasaravAditApUrNa.
Opposite Concepts
chhalahIna, ImAnadAra, naetika, shishuvata, saralachitta.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.