character n
attributes, features, mentality and morality that make up and distinguish an individual.
attitude, attribute, bearing, character, disposition, habit, individuality, makeup, manner, mentality, morality, moral quality, morals, nature, part, person, persona (character that is presented to or perceived by others), personality, role, singularity, temperament, tenor, timber, turn, type, way of life.
Similar Concepts
characteristics, good character, bad character, behaviour, conduct, ethos, habit, mentality, moral conduct, personality, temperament.
चरित्र सं
व्यक्ति की निजता के परिचायक गुण, लक्षण, मानसिकता और नैतिकता.
आचार समष्टि, आदात (बहु), कर्मकलाप, कैरक्टर, चरित, चरित्र, चारित्र, चारित्र्य, चालचलन, चालढाल, निजता, नैतिकता, मानसिकता, रंगढंग, रफ़्तार गुफ़्तार, राहचाह, रूप, लक्षण, लच्छन, वृत्त, वृत्तचेष्टा, वृत्ति, व्यक्तित्व, शिष्टाचार, शील.
Similar Concepts
चारित्रिकता, सच्चरित्रता, आचरण, आदत, दुश्चरित्रता, मनोवृत्ति, लोकचरित्र, व्यक्तित्व, व्यवहार, सदाचार, स्वभाव.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.