भजन सं
भजनोँ, भजनों.
ईश्वर अथवा किसी देवता आदि के गुणों का गान करने वाला गीत.
अरदास, आरती, ईश वंदना, ईश्वर गुणगान, ऋचा, क़व्वाली, कीर्तन, कीर्तिगान, गाथ, गुणगान, धर्मगीत, धार्मिक गीत, नात, नामजाप, पचड़ा, पद, पूजा, पूजा गीत, प्रशंसा गान, प्रार्थना, प्रार्थना गीत, बाउल, भक्ति गीत, भजन, भेँट, मंत्र, श्लोक, साम, सूत्र, स्तुति, स्तोत्र, स्मरण.
Similar Concepts
आरती, कीर्तन, मंत्र, स्तोत्र, क्रिसमस गीत, गीत, प्रशंसा, प्रार्थना, मरियम पूजा गीत.
bhajan n
bhajans, psalms.
a song in praise of God or a deity.
anthem, bhajan, cant, carol, chant, choir, devotional song, devotions, doxology, extolment, hymn, invocation, laud, litany, liturgical song, mantra, motet (choral composition used as an anthem in the Roman Catholic service), ode, paean, praise, praise be God, praise of the lord, prarthana, psalm, religious song, rhapsody, sacred song, song, song of worship.
Similar Concepts
aarati, keertan, mantra, stotra, Christmas song, incantation, Magnificat, praise, prayer, song.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.