feast n
a large and sumptuous meal - usually given as an entertainment for several people.
at-home, banquet, barbecue, bash, beano, binge, blowout, carousal, celebration, dining, dining and drinking, dinner, dinner party, eating and drinking, eating together, entertainment, escapade, feast, feed, festival, festive occasion, fete, fiesta, function, gathering, get-together, house party, jollification, junket, love feast, luncheon, meal, meet, open house, party, reception, refreshment, regale, regalement, repast, revelry, riot, shindig, soire, spread, spree, treat.
Similar Concepts
birthday, catering, companionship, cup, delight, drinking, eating, eating together, entertainment, feast(s), feeding, festivity, function, funeral rites, guest, hospitable treatment, hospitality, host, invitation, meal, moving into a new home, plate, serving food.
भोज सं
भोजोँ, भोजों.
बहुत से लोगोँ के लिए विशेष रूप से बना समृद्ध आहार और उस का आभोग.
आनंदमंगल, उत्सवपूर्णता, ऐटहोम, खाना, खाना पीना, गणभोज, गैट टुगैदर, जेवनार, ज्योनार, ज्यौनार, ट्रीट, डाइनिंग ऐंड ड्रिंकिंग, डिनर, दावत, न्योतनी, पार्टी, प्रीतिभोज, फ़ीस्ट, भोज, मिलन, मिलन उत्सव, मौजमस्ती, लंच, संगति, सत्कार, सत्कार सम्मान, समागम, समारोह, सम्मिलन, सहपान, सहभोज.
Similar Concepts
अतिथि, आनंद, आहार, उत्सवपूर्णता, केटरिंग, खिलाई, गृहप्रवेश, जन्मदिवस, जिमाई, निमंत्रण, पान कर्म, प्याला, प्लेट, बारात, भोज(), भोजन कर्म, मनोरंजन, मृतक संस्कार, मेज़बान, संगति, सत्कार, सत्कार, समारोह, सहभोजन.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.