recently adv
a little earlier, a little while ago, a short time ago, a short while ago, a while back, erewhile, erewhiles, in recent times, in the recent past, just a while ago, just now, just yesterday, lately, newly, not long ago, of late, on a recent day, other day, recently, short time ago, short while before, some time ago, very recently, within the recent past.
Similar Concepts
in the distant past, in the past time, in the past time, just now.
Opposite Concepts
imminently, in the distant past.
Sample Phrases
"As late as yesterday she was fine.", "He was here recently.", "I am feeling better of late.", "Lately the rules have been enforced.".
निकट भूतकाल मेँ क्रिवि
अचिर, अभी, अभी अभी, अभी कल, अभी हाल, अभी हाल मेँ, कम देर पहले, कम समय पहले, कल परसों, कल ही, कुछ देर पहले, कुछ पहले, थोड़े दिन पहले, निकट भूतकाल मेँ, पिछले दिनोँ, बहुत दिन पहले की बात नहीँ, सद्य, हाल मेँ, हाल ही, हाल ही मेँ.
Similar Concepts
अभी अभी, भूत काल मेँ, भूत काल मेँ, सुदूर भूतकाल मेँ.
Opposite Concepts
आसन्नतः, सुदूर भूतकाल मेँ.
Hindi (Roman Script)
abhI, abhIabhI, abhIhAla, abhIhAlamen, abhIkala, achira, bahutadinapahalekIbAtanahIn, hAlahI, hAlahImen, hAlamen, kalahI, kalaparasom, kamaderapahale, kamasamayapahale, kuchhaderapahale, kuchhapahale, nikaTabhUtakAlamen, pichhaledinon, sadya, thod.edinapahale.
Similar Concepts
abhIabhI, bhUtakAlamen, bhUtakAlamen, sudUrabhUtakAlamen.
Opposite Concepts
Asannatah, sudUrabhUtakAlamen.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.