सौँपना क्रि
सौँप, सौँपता, सौँपती, सौँपतीँ, सौँपतीं, सौँपते, सौँपा, सौँपिएगा, सौँपी, सौँपूँ, सौँपूँगा, सौँपूँगी, सौँपे, सौँपेँ, सौँपेँगी, सौँपेंगी, सौँपेँगे, सौँपेंगे, सौँपेगा, सौँपेगी, सौँपो, सौँपोगी, सौँपोगे.
ऐनट्रस्ट करना, गिनवाना, ज़िम्मे करना, झाड़ना, थमाना, देना, पकड़ाना, भरोसे पर देना, रखना, लिवाना, लेवाना, विश्वास पर छोड़ना, सँभलवाना, समदना, समदाना, सहेजना, सिपुर्द करना, सौँपना, हवाले करना, हस्तांतरित करना, हाथ मेँ देना.
Similar Concepts
देना, निमित्त करना, पहुँचाना, ले जाना.
Opposite Concepts
उगाहना, ज़ब्त करना, पाना, लेना.
entrust v
entrusted, entrusting, entrusts.
assign, commit, conduct, consign, convey, deliver, deposit, deposit with, devolve, entrust, fork over, give, give away, give over, hand down, hand in, hand over, impart, intrust, issue, offer, pass, pass down, present, reach, refer, relay, relegate, render, submit to, transfer, turn in, turn over, vest.
Similar Concepts
allocate, authorize, deliver, give, take away.
Opposite Concepts
confiscate, get, realize dues, take.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.