hesitation n
the state or quality of being slow or uncertain in doing or saying something.
compunction, consternation, constraint, difficulty, diffidence, dilemma, doubt, equivocation, faltering, fix, foot-dragging, hesitancy, hesitation, hitch, incertitude, indecision, inhibition, irresolution, lack of certainty, lack of confidence, misgiving, nervousness, oscillation, perplexity, qualm, quandary, reluctance, reservation, reserve, reticence, reticency, scruple, shies, shyness, timidity, uneasiness, vacillation, wavering.
Similar Concepts
abashment, apprehension, balking, bashfulness, chagrin, danger, diffidence, dilemma, elusiveness, fear, inactivity, indecision, mental block, throbbing sound, trembling, unwillingness, vacillation, worry.
Opposite Concepts
audacity, courage, decision, fortitude, insolence, resoluteness, resolve, self-confidence.
Sample Phrases
"There was a certain hesitancy in his voice.".
हिचक सं
कुछ करने या कहने मेँ देरी या अनिश्चय या मनोबाधा.
अटकन, अड़चन, अधृति, अधैर्य, अनिर्णय, अनिश्चय, असंकल्प, असमंजस, अस्थिरता, आगापीछा, कमज़ोरी, खलबली, घबराहट, झिझक, टालमटोल, ठिठक, डगमगाहट, डर, डिगन, दुबिधा, भय, शंका, संकोच, संशय, सकपकाहट, सकुचाहट, हिचक, हिचकिचाहट.
Similar Concepts
अनिच्छुकता, अनिश्चय, आशंका, ख़तरा, चिंता, झेँप, थरथराहट, दुबिधा, धकधक, निष्क्रियता, बहानेबाज़ी, बिदकन, भय, मनोबाधा, लजालुता, लज्जा, विचलन, संकोच.
Opposite Concepts
आत्मविश्वास, दुस्साहस, धृष्टता, धैर्य, निश्चय, संकल्प, संकल्पशीलता, साहस.
Sample Phrases
"रास्ता इतना बीहड़ था कि हर क़दम हिचक के साथ उठाना पड़ता था.".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.