चकित करना क्रि
अभिभूत करना, आश्चर्यचकित करना, आश्चर्य से उद्वेलित करना, आश्चर्यित करना, उत्तेजित करना, उद्वेलित करना, करतब दिखाना, गुल खिलाना, चकराना, चकित करना, चमत्कृत करना, चौँकाना, चौँधाना, छा जाना, छाना, धड़ाका करना, धमाका करना, बाँधना, भरमाना, भौँचक्का करना, भ्रमित करना, मोहना, रंग जमाना, लुभाना, विस्मित करना, सकपकाना, समाँ बाँधना, स्तंभित करना, स्तब्ध करना.
Similar Concepts
अचानक आना, कमाल करना, चकित होना, चौँकना, चौँकाना, भरमाना, भ्रमित होना.
astonish v
astonished, astonishes, astonishing.
amaze, arouse, astonish, astound, awe, baffle, bedazzle, bedevil, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, bewitch, blow away, boggle, bowl over, cause to be astonished, cause wonder, confound, confuse, daze, dazzle, discomfit, disconcert, dismay, dumbfound, enthral, excite, fill with surprise, flabbergast, floor, fluster, fuddle, give a shocking surprise, leave aghast, leave open-mouthed, mystify, nonplus, outwit, overwhelm, perplex, petrify, puzzle, rattle, rock, shake up, shellac, spring a surprise, spring something on, stagger, start, startle, steal the show, stound, strike dumb, strike with awe, stun, stupefy, surprise, take aback, take by surprise, take one's breath away, throw a bombshell, throw a curve, transfix, unsettle, whelm, wilder, witch, wow.
Similar Concepts
be astonished, be perplexed, be startled, come suddenly, do wonders, perplex, startle.
Hindi (Roman Script)
abhibhUtakaranA, AshcharyachakitakaranA, AshcharyitakaranA, AshcharyaseudvelitakaranA, bhramitakaranA, bharamAnA, bhaunchakkAkaranA, bAndhanA, chhAjAnA, chhAnA, chakitakaranA, chakarAnA, chamatkritakaranA, chaundhAnA, chaunkAnA, dhad.AkAkaranA, dhamAkAkaranA, gulakhilAnA, karatabadikhAnA, lubhAnA, mohanA, rangajamAnA, sakapakAnA, samAnbAndhanA, stabdhakaranA, stambhitakaranA, udvelitakaranA, uttejitakaranA, vismitakaranA.
Similar Concepts
bhramitahonA, bharamAnA, chakitahonA, achAnakaAnA, chaunkAnA, chaunkanA, kamAlakaranA.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.