delight n
a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction.
abandon, bliss, celebration, cheer, cloud nine, delectation, delight, elation, enjoyment, eudaemonia, excitement, exhilaration, exultation, fun, gaiety, gladness, glee, good spirits, happiness, hilarity, jest, joy, jubilance, jubilation, merriment, mirth, mirthfulness, pleasance, pleasure, relish, revelry, ring-a-ding, satisfaction, vivacity, zest, zing.
Similar Concepts
beatitude, ecstasy, beatitude, congratulations, Divali, entertainment, euphoria, Euphrosyne, feast, festival, festivity, good luck, happiness, improvement, laughter, merriness, pleasantry, prosperity, regalement, rejoicing, success, tears of joy, thrill, victory, wish fulfillment.
Opposite Concepts
dejection, distress, melancholy, mourning, regret.
Sample Phrases
"His delight to see her was obvious to all.".
आनंद सं
अभिनंद, अभिरति, आनंद, आनंदमंगल, आनंदानुभूति, आमोद, आह्लाद, उछाव, उछाह, उत्स, उत्सव, उद्धर्ष, उद्धव, उमंग, उल्लास, कैफ़, खुशी, ज़ौक़, जौय, नंद, नंदन, नांदी, प्रमोद, प्रसन्नता, प्रहर्ष, प्रह्लाद, मंगल, मज़ा, मज़े, मनमौज, मस्ती, माद, मुद, मुदा, मुदिता, मोद, मौज, रंग, रस, लहर, लहरा, लास, लुत्फ़, विहर्ष, शादकामी, शादी, संहर्ष, संह्लाद, समुल्लास, सम्मद, सुख, सुख अनुभूति, सुखानुभव, सुखानुभूति, सुनंदन, सूर, हँसीख़ुशी, हज़, हर्ष, हर्ष उल्लास, हर्षोल्लास, हिलोर, हुलसी, हुलास, हृष्टि, हेला, ह्लाद.
Similar Concepts
आत्मानंद, आनंदातिरेक, अलमस्ती, आनंदन, आनंद प्रदान, इच्छापूर्ति, उत्सव, उत्सवपूर्णता, उन्नति, दीवाली, प्रसन्नता, बधाई, भोज, मनोरंजन, यूफ़्रोसिनी, रोमांच, विजय, विनोद, सफलता, समृद्धि, सुखभ्रांति, सौभाग्य, हँसी, हर्षाश्रु.
Opposite Concepts
उदासी, खेद, दुःख, मातम, विषाद.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.