calmness n
a. a feeling of calm, b. an absence of agitation or excitement, c. command of one's faculties, d. even tenor of one's ways, e. serene state of mind, f. steadiness of mind under stress.
calm, calmness, collectedness, composedness, composure, control, cool-headedness, coolness, coolness and composure, dispassion, ease, equanimity, equilibrium, equipoise, even temper, forbearance, fortitude, heart's ease, imperturbation, insouciance, nonexcitement, pacifiedness, passionlessness, passiveness, patience, peace, peacefulness, peace of mind, placidity, poise, quiescence, quiet, quietitude, quietness, quietude, repose, sang-froid, self-assurance, self-command, self-control, self-possession, self-restraint, sereneness, serenity, staidness, steadiness, temperateness, tranquillity, tranquil mind, unexcitement, unflappability.
Similar Concepts
changelessness, equanimity, fortitude, gentleness, greatness, pacification, pardon, pleasing, relaxedness, resoluteness, satiation, sobriety.
Opposite Concepts
anger, angriness, anxiety, anxiousness, astonishment, eagerness, excitedness, excitement, explosiveness, flurry, hullabaloo, hustle bustle, jollity, pleasantry, riot, thrill, waviness, worry.
Sample Phrases
"Budhha maintained the calmness of mind and composure in life.", "He accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity.".
प्रशांतता सं
मन का चैन, मन की शांति.
अक्रोध, अचिंतितता, अनांदोलितता, अनाकुलता, अनातुरता, अनाविष्टता, अनुग्रता, अनुत्तेजना, अनुत्तेजितता, अनुद्विग्नता, अनुद्वेग, अपरुषता, अमन, अविकलता, अव्यग्रता, अव्याकुलता, आतुरता अभाव, आत्मनियंत्रण, आत्मसंयम, आवेशहीनता, उत्तेजनाहीनता, उदात्तता, उद्वेगहीनता, क़ायममिज़ाजी, क्रोधहीनता, क्षोभहीनता, गंभीरता, चैन, धीरज, धीरता, धैर्य, निरुद्विग्नता, निर्वेद, प्रशम, प्रशमता, प्रशमितता, प्रशांतता, प्रशांति, मानसिक शांति, शम, शांतचित्तता, शांतता, शांति, शीतलता, संतुलन, संयम, सब्र, सहजता, सामान्यता, सुकून, सुख, सुखशांति, सौम्यता, स्थिरचित्तता, स्थिरता.
Similar Concepts
क्षमाशीलता, गंभीरता, तृप्ति, धैर्य, परिवर्तनहीनता, प्रशमन, प्रसन्नन, महानता, विश्रांतता, संकल्पशीलता, सौम्यता, स्थितप्रज्ञता.
Opposite Concepts
आतुरता, आश्चर्य, उत्तेजना, उत्तेजितता, उपद्रव, क्रुद्धता, क्रोध, चहलपहल, चिंता, चिंतानुभूति, चिंतितता, रोमांच, लहरिलता, विनोद, विनोदिता, विस्फोटशीलता, हड़बड़ी, हल्लागुल्ला.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.