disobedience n
a. the failure to obey, b. the trait of being unwilling to obey.
cold shoulder, contumacy, defiance, delinquency, dereliction, disaffection, discourteousness, discourtesy, disdain, disobedience, disorderly conduct, disregard, disrespect, evasion, forwardness, go-by, incompliance, indocility, infringement, inobservance, insubordination, intractability, lack of obedience, mutiny, neglect, negligence, noncompliance, nonconformance, nonconformity, nonfulfilment, nonobservance, offence, perkiness, rebellion, revolt, stubbornness, transgression, unconformity, unruliness, violation, waywardness.
Similar Concepts
contempt, disregard, indiscipline, insolence, lawbreaking, malingering, noncompliance, noncooperation, nonmutuality, violation.
Opposite Concepts
command, compliance, execution, law abidance, obedience, respect.
अवज्ञा सं
अड़ियलपन, अतिवृत्ति, अदूली, अनदेखी, अनाज्ञाकारिता, अनिर्वाह, अपालन, अवगणना, अवज्ञा, अवज्ञाकारिता, अवहेलना, अवहेला, अविनय, आज्ञा अपालन, आज्ञा उल्लंघन, आज्ञाभंग, आज्ञोल्लंघन, उदूलहुक्मी, उदूली, उपेक्षा, उल्लंघन, कामचोरी, ख़िलाफ़वरज़ी, ढिठाई, धृष्टता, नाफ़रमानी, बग़ावत, बेतवज्जह, बेनियाज़ी, लंघन, लंघना, विद्रोह, हठधर्मिता, हुक्म अदूली, हुक्म उदूली, हेला.
Similar Concepts
अकार्यान्वयन, अनुशासनहीनता, अपरस्परता, असहयोग, उपेक्षा, उल्लंघन, कामचोरी, तिरस्कार, धृष्टता, नियम भंजन.
Opposite Concepts
आज्ञा, आज्ञाकारिता, आज्ञापालन, आदर, कार्यान्वयन.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.