pit n
a sizeable hole (in the ground).
burrow, cavity, chimney (narrow passage in rock), chuckhole, concavity, crater, dent, depression, dip, drop, gap, hiatus, hole in the ground, hollow, pit, pothole, void.
Similar Concepts
compost pit, storage pit, trap pit, abysm, ambush pit, burrow, coverture, crevice, dent, dentation, depth, dimple, ditch, dugout dwelling, elephant ambush pit, hole, land within a confluence, mine, nether realm, trench, well.
Opposite Concepts
mound, mountain.
गड्ढा सं
गड्ढे, गड्ढोँ, गड्ढों.
अँतरा, अवट, अहरी, उत्खात, कुहर, कोटर (वृक्ष), खँतरा, खंता, खड्डा, खतिया, खात, खौ, गड़हा (विकल्प), गड़ही, गड्ढा, गढ़ा (विकल्प), गर्त, गह्वर, ग़ार, छिद्र, छेद, डाबर, धँसान, विवर.
Similar Concepts
आखेट गड्ढा, खाद गड्ढा, आड़, आवास गर्त, कपोल गड्ढा, कूप, खड्ड, खत्ती, खान, गहराई, घात गड्ढा, छिद्र, ट्रैंच, दंदाना, दबक, पाताल लोक, बहुत गहरा गड्ढा, बाँड़, बिल, हाथी गड्ढा.
Opposite Concepts
टीला, पर्वत.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.