Hindi (Roman Script)
anyachcha, anyApi, anyaapi, api, apicha, apitu, aparancha, athacha, aurabhI, bhI, bhUyah, balki, itanAhInahInyahabhI, o, phirabhI, parancha, sAthahI, sAthamen, sAthasAtha, sutarAm, tadApi, tAhama, tathApi, vA, va, yahabhI.
Similar Concepts
atirikta, aura.
Opposite Concepts
also conj
additional, additionally, along with, also, and, aside from, as well, as well as, beside, besides, conjointly, else, even, farther, further, furthermore, in addition to, including, in conjunction with, likewise, more, moreover, more than that, not that only but also, over and above, plus, therewithal, to boot, together, together with, too, yet.
Similar Concepts
and, extra.
Opposite Concepts
only this much.
भी संयोजक
अथच, अन्य अपि, अन्यच्च, अन्यापि, अपरंच, अपि, अपिच, अपितु, इतना ही नहीँ यह भी, ओ, और भी, तथापि, तदापि, ताहम, परंच, फिर भी, बल्कि, भी, भूयः, यह भी, व, वा, साथ मेँ, साथ साथ, साथ ही, सुतरां.
Similar Concepts
अतिरिक्त, और.
Opposite Concepts
कुल इतना.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.