Hindi (Roman Script)
ApasIsamajha, ekasvara, mataekya, rajAyasa, rajAyasu, razAmandI, sahamati, sahamatatA, sammati, samarthana, svIkriti.
Similar Concepts
sarvasahamati, ekatA, hAn, anubandha, anumodana, samajhautA, sampushTi, sandhi, svIkriti.
Opposite Concepts
ekatAhInatA, matabheda, nahIn, asahamati, virodha.
consent n
meeting of the minds.
accession, accommodation, accord, accordance, adjustment, agreement, approval, bargain, coincidence, communion, concord, concordance, concordat, concurrence, consent, consistence, consistency, deference, mutual understanding, subscription, thumbs up, tie, understanding.
Similar Concepts
consensus, acceptance, agreement, compromise, ratification, seconding, treaty, unity, yes.
Opposite Concepts
difference of opinion, disagreement, disunity, no, opposition.
सहमति सं
आपसी समझ, एक स्वर, मतैक्य, रज़ामंदी, रजायस, रजायसु, समर्थन, सम्मति, सहमतता, सहमति, स्वीकृति.
Similar Concepts
सर्वसहमति, अनुबंध, अनुमोदन, एकता, संधि, संपुष्टि, समझौता, स्वीकृति, हाँ.
Opposite Concepts
असहमति, एकताहीनता, नहीँ, मतभेद, विरोध.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.