तथ्यहीन वि
अतथ्य, अनवलंबित, अनुपयुक्त, अपरीक्षित, अप्रामाणिक, अभूत, अमुद्रणीय, अमूल, अयथार्थ, अलीक, अवास्तव, अवास्तविक, अविश्वसनीय, असत्, असत्य, असिद्ध, आधारहीन, आलंबनहीन, इतिकथ, कथित, कल्पित, काल्पनिक, ग़लत, घड़ंत, झूठा [झूठी], तथ्यहीन, तोड़ा मरोड़ा [तोड़ी मरोड़ी], दिमाग़ की उपज, निरवलंब, निराधार, निरालंब, निर्मूल, बेबुनियाद, मनगढ़ंत, मनघड़ंत, मिथ्या, वस्तुशून्य, वितथ, वितथ्य, व्यलीक, शून्यमूल, संकल्पित, सारहीन, हवाई.
Similar Concepts
अप्रमाण्य, अयथार्थ, अविश्वसनीय, असत्य, असत्यतापूर्ण, आधारहीन, ग़लत, तथाकथित, प्रवादित.
Opposite Concepts
अप्रवादित, तथ्यात्मक, यथार्थ, विश्वसनीय.
factless adj
assumed, assumptive, baseless, coloured, concocted, distorted, egregious, empty, factless, fallible, fictional, fictitious, fictive, flimflam, foundationless, groundless, hollow, idle, ill-founded, immaterial, inaccurate, incorrect, incredible, insupportable, irreal, made out of whole cloth, made-up, mendacious, mythic, nonexistent, not right, not ringing true, over-the-top, rootless, unbacked, unconfirmed, unfactual, unfounded, unproven, unreal, unsound, unsupported, unwarranted, without substance.
Similar Concepts
baseless, erroneous, rumoured, so-called, unprovable, unreal, untrue, untrustworthy, untruth, untruthfulness.
Opposite Concepts
based on events, factual, real, trustworthy, unrumoured.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.