स्वस्थता सं
शरीर और मस्तिष्क की रोगहीन दशा.
अगद, अच्छापन, अच्छा हाल, अनामय, अनामयता, अरुग्णता, आरोग्य, आरोग्यता, कल्याण, कायापुष्टता, क़ुव्वत, कुशलक्षेम, कुशलता, क्षेम, ख़ैरियत, तंदुरुस्ती, ताक़त, ताक़तवरी, दुरुस्ती, निरामय, निरोगता, नीरोगिता, पुष्टता, बलिष्ठता, भला, भलापन, मांगल्य, योगक्षेम, राज़ीख़ुशी, रुनाई, रोगहीनता, व्याधिहीनता, शफ़ा, सलामती, सुदशा, सुपोषितता, सेहतमंदी, स्वस्थता, स्वास्थ्य.
Similar Concepts
अंगदीप्ति, आरोग्य लाभ, और्जिक दम, कुशलक्षेम, चिकित्सा, चुस्ती, पोषण, बलिष्ठता, सुडौलता, स्वास्थ्य.
Opposite Concepts
अस्वस्थता, अहित, रोग, रोगभ्रांति.
healthiness n
the state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental disease.
bloom, bonniness, clean bill of health, fine fettle, fitness, freedom from ailment, freedom from disease, full bloom, good condition, good form, good health, good shape, haleness, hardiness, health, healthfulness, healthiness, normalcy, perfect condition, physical and mental well-being, physical fitness, robustness, rosy cheeks, ruddiness, salubriousness, salubrity, seasonableness, soundness, soundness of body, top shape, vigour, welfare, well-being, wellness, wholeness.
Similar Concepts
agility, body glow, health, medication, nutrition, recuperation, robustness, shapeliness, stamina.
Opposite Concepts
disease, harm, hypochondria, unhealthiness.
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.