वांछनीय वि
अच्छा [अच्छी], अपेक्षणीय, अपेक्ष्य, अभिप्रेय, अभिलाष्य, अभीष्ट, आकांक्ष्य, इच्छनीय, इष्ट, कांक्षणीय, कांक्ष्य, काम्य [काम्या], चाहने लायक़, प्राप्तव्य, प्रेय, बजा, लालस्य, लेने योग्य, वरेण्य, वांछनीय, वांछितव्य, वांछ्य, स्पर्धनीय, स्पृहणीय, स्पृह्य, स्वीकार्य.
Similar Concepts
अच्छा [अच्छी], अवसरानुकूल, आचरणीय, आवश्यक, इच्छित, ईर्ष्य, उत्तम, उपयोगी, कलात्मक, नैतिक, पसंद, प्रलोभनकारी, प्रिय, यथासमय, रुचिकर, वरीय, संग्रहणीय, सुंदर, स्मरणीय, स्वीकार्य.
Opposite Concepts
अनैतिक, अपरामर्श्य, अवसरप्रतिकूल, अवांछनीय, असंगत, निंदनीय, बुरा [बुरी].
desirable adj
worth having or seeking or achieving.
acceptable, agreeable, beneficial, commendable, desirable, eligible, enviable, excellent, expectable, good, likable, likeable, preferable, prized, suitable, willable.
Similar Concepts
acceptable, artistic, beautiful, best, collectable, dear, desired, enviable, ethical, good, likable, liked, memorable, necessary, opportune, preferable, tempting, timely, useful, worth observing.
Opposite Concepts
bad, discreditable, inadvisable, inopportune, irrelevant, undesirable, unethical.
Sample Phrases
"a desirable job"
"computer with many desirable features"
"a desirable outcome".
'Similar Concepts' and 'Opposite Concepts' have been given as suggestions only.
They may not appear independently in your Arvind Lexicon (Online Dictionary & Thesaurus) Edition.